Monday, June 14, 2010

( unknown until the post is finished )

Life has so much to unveil with each step we take ahead. Surprises unwrapped fantastically; make us elated or fall into dejection. All by the decreed of fate and fate is pronounced by God.We curse our fate when ill tidings arrive, followed by self-deprecation and overlook the plethora of our achievements. We can hate ourselves for the losings but fail to receive self-appreciation for every spot we won. This is the human behavior and cannot be suppressed.
One of my good friends think of himself an ill-fated man after his heart-rendering experience of emotional commitment. Being jinxed he believes that his living is unimportant, even for his parents. This tendency to preconceive an opinion leads to miseries which can cost us the world....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Heart-denting accident

Fun land and amusement parks are meant to be a source of entertainment, offering a great deal to create gleeful and enchanting memories with your friends and family. One can never imagine that it would metamorphose into mourn and regret.
Yesterday listening to the bulletin, i came across a heart-rendering news; a 10 year old child's death due to swing breakage, which broke down because of excess air pressure in Islamabad. Thinking of his parents and the moanful situation they would have been going through, makes me tearful.This little tot who yearned to live the fascination of his childhood days, witnessed a death.
Manager of the park is taken under arrest. Rides have closed down for overhauling with proper security checks. Could it not be done before the occurrence of yesterday's dreadful accident? Strict laws should be formulated in connection to the safety and security of riders, liable authorities should get rigorously punished in case of any accident, to avoid the replication of such mishaps around the country.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Another burden

Decline in petrol prices descended as a blessing on us. But more was yet to come.
Last few days were stressed, dreadful, awaiting for a storm that never arrived. People were preoccupied with the fear of storm due to which the Government's issued notification to increase fare on public and private transport, went unnoticed.
Now, that the cyclone spree is off, public's rage and ravings have outgrown, in the wake of this decision. It offsets the benefits of decreased petrol prices to those who don't own a vehicle and once again the paupers will bear the burden. Government's decision to lower the petrol prices, aimed to stultify us in a whole new way !

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

You decide

Another day has dawned, emerging the rays of hope and courage. The day would seem to have nothing out of ordinary to many of us. Very few amongst us, grab the most of every new day we meet. New thoughts invade our minds every now and then but we never dwell upon those and here, we end up failing. . Fail to give new dimension to our life.
On the other hand, we have people in this macrocosm, who are lunatic to resume their dreams and win the spot. Because they admove with a positive attitude and not disgorge.
Expect favorable results, situations and the circumstances will change accordingly.You can either choose to adhere strictly to your aim or linger in the haze !

one-night rainfall

After one night's downpour on Saturday, Karachi streets are occupied by rain water, pooled around. There is nothing new about the fact that the administrative authorities were not mobilised to face the aftermath, which inevitably emanates due to heavy rainfall. It forecasted a week ago, but the authorities apathy towards it, left several people afflicted and agitated. Adequate relief measures before hand could avoid adverse conditions to arise.
Most of what ails us during rains, is power failure. Many inhabitants were deprived of electricity not just for few hours but more than that. KESC people paid no heed to the complaints received and once again the plea of the afflicted people went unheard. Blockage of sewerage pipes directed water into homes, adding injury to the death.
We, Citizens, also need to realize our responsibilities and adopt preventive measures to protect our homes, shops and property and rather, do not pass the buck to administrative authorities to free ourselves from the obligations incumbent on us. We need to extend our help and assistance for our good, instead of cribbing for external succour. The tendency of being sluggish and depending on others, will lead us nowhere.

Facebook ban

The Lahore High Court's (LHC) decision to ban widely used social networking websites such as Youtube, Facebook and few others in reaction to the facebook's failure to remove the offending page 'Draw Muhammad Day' was deemed correct by the enraged audience while many people did not favor this stance of LHC.
The apathy and indifferent attitude of facebook authorities to the concerns of its users is the root cause of the controversy, grew alate. Had they been responsive to the aggressive dilemma and considered the possibility to remove the offending page, facebook wouldn't have been accused of supporting the blasphemy of Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) nor would ban.
The controversial page aimed to hurt and agitate Muslims across the world in the name of ' Freedom of speech'. The Administrative authorities need to rethink over the maxim to ensure the protection of its users moral and religious rights and curb the hate mongers.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

those are lucky who dont have everything today , they have the opportunity to be happy tomorrow. !

Monday, February 1, 2010

running after what is not destined for me
and i loose all that is only mine.